Sunday, September 26, 2010
Hunger Games Game Results
I got 89% on the Hunger Games Game, which was a fun game and not lame. What I would've done differently would've been doing more running away than risking my life.
Chapter 10 Questions
Chapter 10
1.Why does Peeta reveal his love for Katniss? Do you think he really loves her? Why or why not?
He admitted it so he could become more popular with the people watching and to get more sponsors for him and Katniss. . But I don't think he is telling the truth and Haymitch told him to say something like that.Which will probably get her more mad at Haymitch.
2. What is Peeta’s main concern during the hunger games?
He doesn't want to die. But if he does he wants to die with his dignity and like himself not like a monster that will do anything to stay alive.
3. How does the Capitol view the previous arenas of the hunger games? How many games have there been? They view them as historic sites. They have them for people on vacation to see them. They let you see the spots were tributes died. They even let reenact the battles. There has been 74 Hunger Games.
4.What do you feel is the purpose of the hunger games?
I think it is a source of entertainment for the capital people. It is also to show the districts there in power. To show they could do nothing to stop them. To show supreme power over all the districts.
"I have to raise my head out of the required respect and cannot avoid seeing that every screen is now dominated by a shot of Peeta and me, separated by a few feet that in the viewers heads can never be breached." (pg 134)
"I have to raise my head out of the required respect and cannot avoid seeing that every screen is now dominated by a shot of Peeta and me, separated by a few feet that in the viewers heads can never be breached." (pg 134)
"Peeta has only just stepped from his car when I slam my palms into his chest. He loses his balance and crashes into an ugly urn filled with fake flowers." (pg 134)
" Tomorrow we will be in the arena. He has done me a favor and I have answered him with injury. When will I ever stop owing him." (pg 137)
"And then because it's Effie and she's apparently required by law to say something awful, she adds I wouldn't be at all surprised if I finally get promoted to a decent district next year!" (pg 138)
Chapter 9 Questions
Chapter 9
1. Describe Katniss’ interview attire and training? What affect do you think it had on the audience?
Katniss was dressed in dress with shiny objects. Her nails were painted with flames and had high heels. The training helped her so she could get used to the heels. Then in the interview the advice Cinna gave her, helped her with answering questions. And being liked by the audience.
2. How does Haymitch and Cinna ask Katniss to behave?
Haymitch told her to act hostile like she is. Then later to lie and compliment the capital.Then Cinna told her to act like herself. When she doubted that, Cinna told her she was lovable. And that the prep team adored her.
3. What do we discover about Peeta during his interview?
We discovered that Peeta has loved Katniss ever since he was little. Which might explain the bread he gave to her.
"Just remember, Katniss, you want the audience to like you."(pg 115-Effie)
"Then lie! Make something up!"(pg 117-Haymitch)
"The prep team adores you."(pg121-Cinna)
"So, all ready for the interview then."(pg121-Cinna)
Chapter 8 Questions
Chapter 8
1.What do the scores in the trainings mean to the tributes? What scores do Peeta and Katniss receive?
he scores the tributes get are from when the gamemakers who watch them and score them according to their ability.If they are good they give them a 12 but if they're not a 1. Depending on there numbers they get sponsors that give them stuff in the arena. But sometimes the tributes get a bad score on purpose so others won't think of them as a threat. Katniss got an 11 and Peeta got an 8.
2. How did Katniss and Gale meet? Describe their story.
When Katniss was hunting one day she found a snare with a rabbit in it. When she was looking at it Gale came up and told her not to steal it because it was against the law to . And little by little they became hunting partners. But at first she wouldn't even smile at his jokes and all they did was hunt together and teach each other how to do stuff that the other didn't know.
Chapter 8 Quotes
"Now I've done it! Now I ruined everything."
pg 103)
" Scores only matter if they're good, no one pays attention to the bad one or mediocre."(pg107)
"Then they are flashing the number 11 on the screen."
"I had been struggling along on my own for about six months when I first ran into Gale in the woods."
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Chapter 7 Questions
Chapter 7
1. What are the pros and cons of Peeta and Katniss being coached together?
The pros of Peeta and Katniss being coached together would them being able to help each other. But the cons would be each other knowing each others strengths and weaknesses. So if they don't trust each other it be best for them to be trained separately.
2. What reasons does Peeta give for thinking Katniss will be better than him in the arena?
The reasons Peeta gives was that Katniss was an excellent hunter so much that she could always shoot the animal's right in the eye so she would puncture any of the meat.
3. What are Career Tributes and how are they a threat?
Career tributes are tributes that have been trained for the games their whole lives. They're a threat because they know millions of ways to kill a person with only a knife yet people like Peeta or Katniss only now a few since they don't have the money to have been trained.
4. What does Katniss do to get the Gamemakers' attention?
To get the Gamemakers' attention Katniss shot a pig that they were looking at. She did this out anger because at first they weren't even paying attention to her which was a matter of life and death for her. Because if she didn't get a good score she wouldn't get good sponsors.And in the games you need all the help you could get.
Important Quotes (4 minimum)
" As usual District 12 was isolated to go last." (page 100-Katniss)
" The Capitol has a misty haunted air." (page 86-Katniss)
" Just two mornings ago I was home."(page 87-Katniss)
" Then I realized she didn't mean me she meant you!" (page 90-Peeta)
Chapter 6 Questions
Chapter 6
1. What is an Avox? How does Katniss know the Avox?
An Avox is an outlaw that was that was caught and are used as slaves for the Capitol. So they won't speak they cut their tongues. Katniss knows an Avox because once when she was in the woods with Gale they saw two kids running away from something. And then an aircraft came and captured one and killed the other one. The one that did survive became an Avox.
2. What prevents tributes from jumping off the roof? Why do you think this is in place?
What prevents tributes from jumping off the roof is an invisible electrical field that pushes them back onto the roof. This is in place because some tributes would rather die right there than in the games. But if a tribute was to jump off the roof that would look rebellious, saying that the Capitol doesn't control them. Making the Capitol look bad.
3. What reasons would Peeta have for being curious about Gale?
Peeta might be jealous of him.Because he might like Katniss. After all he is always being nice to her ever since he was little with the loaves of burned bread and all. Or maybe he's trying to make conversation and making her feel like they're friends son in the arena it'll be hard for her to kill him, but at the first chance he'll kill her.
Important Quotes (4 minimum)
"Good I'm starving." (page 75-Katniss)
"The ruins of District 13 that still smolder from the toxic bombs." (page 83-Katniss)
"They'd had that Capitol look about them. The boy and the girl."(page 83-Katniss)
"Some kind electric field throws you back on the roof." (page 81-Peeta)
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Chapter 5 Questions
Chapter 5
1. The presentation of the tributes seems to be greatly focused on visual presentation and looks — what does this reveal about the belief systems of the Capitol?
This reveals that in the capitol, unlike district 12, are so rich they don't worry about anything else but how they look.So even though the Hunger Games doesn't suppose to have anything to with beauty, the tributes have to dress up nicely so people will want to sponsor them. Which is kind of sad because if they don't look good they won't get sponsors which in the Hunger Games is a matter of life and death.
2. Compare and contrast life in the Capitol to life in District 12.
Life in district 12 is about trying your best to survive.But in the Capital its about trying your best to look good. Because like I said in the last question, in the Capitol all they have to worry about is their looks. Which makes me wonder why the people at the capitol don't do anything about it. Unless most of them don't know, I mean District 12 barely knows about the other districts who knows maybe the Capitol leaders don't want anybody to know to much.
3. What does Cinna ask Katniss and Peeta to do just before they ride out in their chariot? What is the purpose of this gesture?
Before Katniss and Peeta ride out in their chariot Cinna asks them to hold hands. The purpose was to distinguish each other from the other tributes. Unlike them the other tribute couples never even acknowledge each other.As if showing that the Hunger Games already begun. So Peeta and Katniss holding hands had a hint of rebellion.
4. Why is it so hard for Katniss to trust Peeta's kindness?
It was hard for Katniss to trust Peeta's kindness because she thought Peeta was trying to soften her up so in the Hunger Games it would be harder for her to kill him. Like in the book she said "A kind Peeta is far more dangerous than an unkind one," (page 49). Plus Katniss isn't use to people being nice for no reason like Peeta is.
Important Quotes (4 minimum)
" A kind Peeta is far more dangerous than an unkind one," (page 49)
" I asked for District Twelve," ( Cinna- page 64)
" You're just so hairy," ( Venia- page 61)
"You're not afraid of fire, are you, Katniss," (Cinna-page 67)
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Stop the Sun essay
Understanding Soldiers after Vietnam
Of the thousands of American soldiers that died in Vietnam, 58,000 died. And the ones that did come back were seriously traumatized. So although the ones that did come back weren’t dead physically they were dead mentally. In the fictional short story “Stop the Sun” by Gary Paulsen, we are introduced to a young adult named Terry who through his father learns about Vietnam. But he never truly understands because he wasn’t there. After going through tough situations, like his dad, people get tougher to understand.
Through Terry’s dad we see how we can’t understand what we haven’t been through. Not everyone’s been in war therefore, not everyone’s had to go through what soldiers go through. Different situations give you different perspectives. Like if you’ve gone to war you might appreciate life more. Like what happened to Terry in the text, “It was easily the most embarrassing thing that had ever happened to him.” (Page 51-Paulsen).You might experience different emotions if you haven’t been through the same things. So again restating we can’t understand what we haven’t been through.
Though Terry’s dad we see how we have to try to understand things we don’t know about. Like, we haven’t been through the same things, so people who haven’t gone to war might think of it as something funny. If we don’t try to understand we might end up hurting people’s feelings. Like Terry at the mall, “It was easily the most embarrassing thing that had ever happened to him.”People have different perspectives. Therefore, not everyone finds things funny or sad. So we have to try understanding people for how they are.
Through Terry’s dad we see how war affects soldiers making them harder to understand. Memories last forever. Therefore they’ll have the pain forever. They saw people die so they might appreciate life more. They might have flashbacks which will bring up unanswered questions. So soldiers affected by war can be harder to understand by the people around them.
Vietnam traumatized thousands of people and Terry’s dad was one of them. And he going through Vietnam made him harder to understand. So from the story we can learn that war may make people harder to understand but we have try our best to understand them or else it’ll slowly destroy the family.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Chapter 4 Questions
Chapter 4.
Do you think Haymitch will be helpful as a mentor? Why or why not?
At this point I won't be sure until I see how his first advice works out but he should be of some assistance since he did win in the hunger games.But might of lost his talent plus he's almost always drunk so he's highly unstable.
2. What does Katniss mean when she says: “A Kind Peeta Mellark is far more dangerous to me than an unkind one”?
She means that if he keeps treating her nice she's gonna have a hard time fighting him. But if he acts mean to him she's not really going to care. So it would be easier for her that Peeta would act mean.
3. What happens to convince Haymitch that Peeta and Katniss might be fighters?
Katniss throws a knife and it lodges between two panels and Peeta slaps Haymitch's glass out of his hand standing up for himself. Which makes Haymitch realize that they're fighters.
4. What is the first honest advice that Haymitch gives them?
Haymitch's first honest advice was not to resist to whatever the stylists did to them.No matter what it was.Which I hope is good advice and Haymitch isn't trying to mess them up.
Important Quotes (4 minimum)
"A kind Peeta Mellark is far more dangerous than an unkind one."page 49 (Katniss)
"The woods became our savior and each day I went a bit farther into its arms."page 51 (Katniss)
"You'll be put in the hands of your stylists.You're not going to like what they do to you. But no matter what it is don't resist."page 58(Haymitch)
" They call it hot chocolate"page 55 (Peeta)
Do you think Haymitch will be helpful as a mentor? Why or why not?
At this point I won't be sure until I see how his first advice works out but he should be of some assistance since he did win in the hunger games.But might of lost his talent plus he's almost always drunk so he's highly unstable.
2. What does Katniss mean when she says: “A Kind Peeta Mellark is far more dangerous to me than an unkind one”?
She means that if he keeps treating her nice she's gonna have a hard time fighting him. But if he acts mean to him she's not really going to care. So it would be easier for her that Peeta would act mean.
3. What happens to convince Haymitch that Peeta and Katniss might be fighters?
Katniss throws a knife and it lodges between two panels and Peeta slaps Haymitch's glass out of his hand standing up for himself. Which makes Haymitch realize that they're fighters.
4. What is the first honest advice that Haymitch gives them?
Haymitch's first honest advice was not to resist to whatever the stylists did to them.No matter what it was.Which I hope is good advice and Haymitch isn't trying to mess them up.
Important Quotes (4 minimum)
"A kind Peeta Mellark is far more dangerous than an unkind one."page 49 (Katniss)
"The woods became our savior and each day I went a bit farther into its arms."page 51 (Katniss)
"You'll be put in the hands of your stylists.You're not going to like what they do to you. But no matter what it is don't resist."page 58(Haymitch)
" They call it hot chocolate"page 55 (Peeta)
Chapter 3 Questions
Chapter 3
1. Who comes to say goodbye to Katniss? List.
The people that came to say goodbye to Katniss was Prim,her mom, Gale,and Peeta's dad who brought cookies oh and also Madge.
2. What does Madge give Katniss as a gift? What significance does it have?
Madge gave Katniss a golden pin with a mocking jay on it.The significance of it is that there "somewhat of a slap in the face to the capital" because the capitol mutated them so they could also replicate the words the rebels were saying but it didn't work because the rebels started lying and joking about it.
3. What instructions does Katniss leave for her mother?
The instructions Katniss left for her mother was not to leave again no matter what she sees on tv.And not to let Prim sign up for any tessera that they could live of Prim' goat milk and cheese.
4. What act of kindness does Peeta’s dad show to Katniss? How do you think this man might of influenced his son?
The act of kindness Peeta's dad shows to Katniss was bringing her a batch of cookies a luxury they couldn't afford.He might of influenced his son by being nice to other people which is why Peeta probably gave Katniss the loafs of bread.
5. What advice does Gale give Katniss about surviving the games?
The advice that Gale gave Katniss about surviving the games was to get a bow.which was her best chance at winning.
Important Quotes (4 minimum)
"Really,really try. I swear it"I say.And I know because of Prim I have to."page36 (Katniss)
"I cannot afford to get upset"page34 (Katniss)
"For a few minutes we say nothing.Then I start telling the mall the things they must remember to do, now that I will not be there to do them for them."page 34(Katniss)
"The awful thing is that if I can forget they're people, it will be no different at all."page40
Chapter 2 Questions
Chapter 2
1. How does Katniss save her sister from the reaping?
In the reaping Prim was chosen.And at first Katniss was in shock so bad it felt like when she once fell out of a tree and had knocked the air out of her.But when she did recover she volunteered herself to take Prim's place.Though Prim fought back not wanting Katniss to go.
2. Who is the boy tribute selected? How did he save Katniss life when she was 11?
The boy selected is a baker's son named Peeta.Who once saved Katniss's life.He saved her life by burning two loafs of bread to give it to Katniss.This resulted in Peeta getting a beating.Though Katniss found it hard to understand why he did it.
3. What kind of person do you think Peeta is? What evidence from the book led you to come to this conclusion?
I think Peeta is a generous, kind person that's probably always been well fed and is probably a richer than Katniss.The evidence I got from the book of him being generous or kind was when he gave the loaves of bread to Katniss.The evidence I got from the that his probably that his well fed is that his a baker's son so food probably came easy to him.And him being a baker's son makes him being richer than Katniss.
4. Why does seeing the dandelion after her father's death give Katniss hope?
When Katniss saw the dandelion it gave her hope because she remembered the hours spent in the woods with her dad.So she now new how she was going to survive.
Important Quotes (4 minimum)
"It was as if the impact had knocked every wisp of air from my lungs, and I lay there struggling to inhale' to exhale, to do anything" page 21 (Katniss)
"Starvation is never the cause of death officially."page 28 (Katniss)
"Feed it to the pig, you stupid creature!Why not? No one decent will buy burned bread!"page 30 (Peeta's mom)
"I thought of the hours spent in the woods with my father and I knew how we were going to survive."page 32 (Katniss)
Monday, September 6, 2010
Quotes from Chapter 1
"District twelve. Where you can starve to death in safety."-Katniss pg.6
"Peacekeepers turn a blind eye to the few of us who hunt because they're as hungry for fresh meat as anybody is"-Katniss pg.5
"The last thing I needed was another mouth to feed"-Katniss pg.3
"In the woods waits the only person I can be myself.Gale."-Katniss pg.6
"Peacekeepers turn a blind eye to the few of us who hunt because they're as hungry for fresh meat as anybody is"-Katniss pg.5
"The last thing I needed was another mouth to feed"-Katniss pg.3
"In the woods waits the only person I can be myself.Gale."-Katniss pg.6
Chapter1 Questions
1.Describe District 12.
District 12 is one of the poorest of the districts. This is probably because the main job there is mining. Most of the people die there of starvation.So some people have to go out to the woods (which is illegal) and kill animals.So people wouldn't go out to woods or so animals wouldn't come in they put an electric fence right outside the district. But the district is so poor that the fence is only a couple of hours a day.But it still does a good job keeping the animals out.
2.What illegal activity does Katniss participate in doing?Why does she need to do this?
The illegal activity Katniss participates in doing is trespassing into the woods and killing animals. She need to this to feed her family.If she didn't her family would starve and die. Although if she gets caught she could suffer the worst of penalties even death.But most of the people don't tell her anything because they all want fresh meat but they themselves can't do anything because they can't hunt.
3.Describe the relationship between Gale and Katniss? Do you have a relationship like this in your own life?
The relationship between Gale and Katniss is I guess is kind of one in between two friends maybe even best friends. Katniss is sometimes jealous of Gale when girls say that they like him.Although this isn't because she likes him its because good hunting partners, like Gale, are hard to find.And if a girl was to keep him busy she would have to hunt by herself which is harder.
4.How is Madge different from Katniss and Gale?
Madge is different from both of them because she's the mayors daughter so she's richer than both of them put together.And since she's always been well fed she's never had to apply for tessera.(Tessera is when you decide that you want the capital to give you bread you tell them but at the same time they put your name twice as many times in the reaping.)But people like Madge don't need the bread so she's not in any real danger of being picked at the reaping.
5.What is the reaping?Do you think this practice is fair?
The reaping is when everyones name is put into two glass balls(boys and girls) depending how old you are and if you applied for tessera they might put your name in more times .Then somebody grabs two slips one from the boys' ball and one from the girls'.And who's ever picked has to be in the Hunger Games.I don't this fare especially for the twelve year olds who haven't even gone through half their lives.
6.Who is selected at the reaping?
Katniss and a baker's boy named Peeta was selected at the reaping.
District 12 is one of the poorest of the districts. This is probably because the main job there is mining. Most of the people die there of starvation.So some people have to go out to the woods (which is illegal) and kill animals.So people wouldn't go out to woods or so animals wouldn't come in they put an electric fence right outside the district. But the district is so poor that the fence is only a couple of hours a day.But it still does a good job keeping the animals out.
2.What illegal activity does Katniss participate in doing?Why does she need to do this?
The illegal activity Katniss participates in doing is trespassing into the woods and killing animals. She need to this to feed her family.If she didn't her family would starve and die. Although if she gets caught she could suffer the worst of penalties even death.But most of the people don't tell her anything because they all want fresh meat but they themselves can't do anything because they can't hunt.
3.Describe the relationship between Gale and Katniss? Do you have a relationship like this in your own life?
The relationship between Gale and Katniss is I guess is kind of one in between two friends maybe even best friends. Katniss is sometimes jealous of Gale when girls say that they like him.Although this isn't because she likes him its because good hunting partners, like Gale, are hard to find.And if a girl was to keep him busy she would have to hunt by herself which is harder.
4.How is Madge different from Katniss and Gale?
Madge is different from both of them because she's the mayors daughter so she's richer than both of them put together.And since she's always been well fed she's never had to apply for tessera.(Tessera is when you decide that you want the capital to give you bread you tell them but at the same time they put your name twice as many times in the reaping.)But people like Madge don't need the bread so she's not in any real danger of being picked at the reaping.
5.What is the reaping?Do you think this practice is fair?
The reaping is when everyones name is put into two glass balls(boys and girls) depending how old you are and if you applied for tessera they might put your name in more times .Then somebody grabs two slips one from the boys' ball and one from the girls'.And who's ever picked has to be in the Hunger Games.I don't this fare especially for the twelve year olds who haven't even gone through half their lives.
6.Who is selected at the reaping?
Katniss and a baker's boy named Peeta was selected at the reaping.
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